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Intro to Cupping Class for LMT

Introduction to cupping is a class specifically developed for massage therapists. Please note that you need to be licensed (LMT, PT, or OT) to attend this class. This class will cover multiple sets of cups, such as plastic cups that use a pump method, and silicone sets.

We will be covering various methods of applying the cups to the body for pain relief and relaxation, during a massage.

The format of the class will include hands on demonstrations and break out sessions to practice with a partner.


Class Schedule Module:
1:00 Intros & History of TCM Cupping Indications /Contraindications
2-2:30 Demo of cupping techniques for the posterior body
2:45-3:45 Exchange practice with a partner
4:00 Snack and Break time (snack provided)
4:30-5:00 Demo anterior body, including abdominal cupping
5:15-6:15 Exchange practice with a partner
6:30-7 Questions and Answer/Closing


*A prerequisite video covering cup cleaning methods will be emailed before class.*

Cupping sets will be provided for practice *** class does not include a cupping set for take home.

Ordering of sets can be arranged with additional payment for cups.


Cost: $240
($100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a place)

Includes class and manual with pictures demoing techniques we cover in class for each body area.


Class participants will be limited to 6.

Amy Marie Butler, LMT will be teaching, and one assistant will be present. Amy has been using this modality in her practice for over 7 years and has taught numerous classes to various therapists in multiple settings. Amy continues to update class material as new research is made available; in addition she also relays new techniques learned through her own continuing education. Class content is always evolving. 


Class date: October 12th, 2025 1-7:30pm


“I am so grateful to have had the privilege to be trained by Amy. I have personally benefitted so much from receiving this therapy, it truly helps keep me mobile and pain-free.  Utilizing cupping therapy in my practice has made my sessions more effective in addressing client issues and time-management.  Amy is very knowledgeable, patient, and intuitive; all aspects that make her a great teacher! I was really apprehensive in the beginning to use these techniques (the cups can seem intimidating at first), but with her training am now confident in administering this therapy and am excited to continue exploring all of the different ways to utilize the cups.”

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